The impact of liquidity ratios on market value (MV) and market value added (MVA): “a case study of the Bank of Palestine"


  • Muath Olwan doktora student



liquidity, liquidity ratios, market value, market value added, Bank of Palestine


The study aimed to demonstrate the impact of liquidity ratios on the market value (MV) and market value added (MVA) of the Bank of Palestine traded on the Palestine Stock Exchange. The study was conducted over a period of time from 2017 to 2023. The researcher used the descriptive analytical method and the multiple regression model to analyze the data and test the hypotheses. The study reached the most important results that there is no statistically significant effect of liquidity ratios on market value. On the other hand, there was a statistically significant effect of liquidity ratios on the market value added  of the Bank of Palestine.



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Correlation coefficient between the study variables




How to Cite

Olwan, M. (2025). The impact of liquidity ratios on market value (MV) and market value added (MVA): “a case study of the Bank of Palestine". Technical Journal of Management Sciences, 2(1), 13–21.



Financial Management